Business English
Aiheen kuvaus
Kurssimateriaali löytyy pääosin tältä Moodle-sivulta.
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Suoritusmerkinnän (S) ehdot:
- Riittävä läsnäolo
- Kurssin pakolliset tehtävät on tehty ja palautettu kurssin Classroomiin
(liittymiskoodi: yqzhl4) - Kokeesta on päästävä läpi
In this section you will learn vocabulary that is related to setting up a business and different business types. At the end of this section you will be able to explain at least the following things:
- What types of businesses are there and how do they differ from each other in terms of ownership, liabilities and taxation?
- Why do businesses exist and what things does a business owner have to consider when setting up a business?
- What do primary, secondary and tertiary production refer to? How do they form an environment for the businesses to operate in?
Read and take the test to understand the basic concepts
After reading and studying, test how much you can remember
BBC Bitesize: GCSE Business
Listen to the lecture
Questions that might be on the exam.